Depression Therapy in Westchester, New York
Depression Therapy
Depression can make you feel hopeless, helpless and just downright sad. You might feel lonely, anxious, overwhelmed and like you don’t even know where to start.
Do you find it hard to get up in the morning? Maybe you want to sleep all day? Have you lost your appetite or want to eat all the time? Does your body hurt all over with no explanation? Maybe you get headaches or stomach aches? Do you feel like you were doing all the right things to take care of yourself but still have no energy? Do you burst into tears and you’re not even sure why?
Is your teen suffering from these symptoms? Read more about Teen Therapy here.
Maybe it has gotten to the point that your family and friends don’t know what else to do to help you. Maybe you are missing work and social gatherings. Maybe you aren’t taking good care of yourself and you’re not even sure where to start.
Sometimes symptoms of depression can get someone to the point that they don’t feel like their life is worth living. We are here to tell you that your life IS worth living. You are worth it. We want to make sure that you are safe, happy and healthy.
Working with one of our Westchester depression therapists will be a great place to start. We offer a kind and loving environment for your journey to healing from your Depression. The first step is finding the right Depression Therapist.
Benefits to Working with a Depression Therapist in Westchester, NY
Here are some of the benefits of working with a Depression Therapist. There are so many more but here are some of what are clients have seen improve:
Improved ability to manage the intensity of your emotions
Greater ability to tolerate stress
A better understanding of your depression
Knowing that your depression doesn’t define you
More Self-care and self-love
Less overwhelm and feelings of anxiety
Improved relationships, and less loneliness
Better quality sleep
Greater ability to fuel your body with food
Being able to get yourself out of a funk, because let’s be honest…we are all human.
Feeling as though you are equipped with a toolbox of coping skills
Knowing when are where to use those coping skills
Feeling like your life is worth living!
If your concerns are different than what you see above, please contact us today to learn how we can help!
Our Approach To Depression Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be a very helpful tool when you are receiving therapy for Depression in Westchester. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of talk therapy that focuses on our thoughts and behaviors. It looks at how those two are connected and where we can make changes to help ourselves feel better. It works on not only changing thinking patterns, but also behavioral patterns.
CBT is based on several core principles, including:
Psychological problems are based, in part, on faulty or unhelpful ways of thinking.
Psychological problems are based, in part, on learned patterns of unhelpful behavior.
People suffering from psychological problems can learn better ways of coping with them, thereby relieving their symptoms and becoming more effective in their lives
What is CBT helpful for?
learning to recognize cognitive distortions
problem solving difficult situations
developing confidence in oneself
facing fears
learning how to feel calm and at peace
A cognitive distortion is an irrational thought pattern that can in itself lead to feelings of depression. Sometimes with depression, you can feel like you are stuck on a loop of irrational thoughts and although you might know what the truth to be, it feels impossible to get yourself out of it.
In therapy we will begin by looking at the symptoms you are currently experiencing, as well as any major life stressors that might be occurring at this point in time. If you want, we will set small weekly goals that can help to feel as though there is forward progress.
We want to make sure that you are leaving each session feeling like you can get through the following week with hope for the future. We can help you to work through any trauma that you have experienced with our Trauma-Informed therapists.
Coping skills will also be helpful throughout your journey. We may incorporate some Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills as well. It works to remove destructive patterns and replace them with healthier habits. It is skills based and has been proven effective in a variety of disorders and populations. DBT covers four main areas including: Mindfulness,Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Within each of these four categories, there are different skills that will be implemented and used by the client to take control of their life and how they are feeling.
The most important aspect of Depression therapy is kindness and compassion. We want you to feel safe talking to your depression therapist so you can move towards feeling better and the life you want!
FAQs About Depression Therapy
That’s no problem. All of our Westchester therapists offer virtual appointments on a HIPAA-compliant platform. This can make it so much easier to show up. You can participate in your session from the comfort of your own home, and it's okay if you're still in your pajamas! We find that this can make it so much easier for our clients to participate in depression therapy.
Yes absolutely. All of our Westchester therapists are trained to work with both Anxiety and Depression. So often we see clients that have presenting symptoms of both. We focus on the client as a whole person so we are making sure that we cover all symptoms as well too. Both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy can be helpful for Depression.
Our Westchester Therapists are ready to meet you where you are. If that means just talking it out, we are here to listen. We are ready to offer perspective, compassion and support. Everyone’s journey to healing can be different and we know and understand that. When you feel ready, we can add some coping skills to the mix. YOU are in charge, and we are here to help.